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  1. To assist customers in making a more informed sustainable choice,
  2. To help preserve stocks from overfishing, and to highlight our commitment to responsible sourcing.


  1. In simple terms the definition of sustainable seafood can be determined if the fish comes from a fishery whose practices can be maintained indefinitely without reducing the population of the target species.
  2. In addition, it must not adversely impact any other species within the said ecosystem by removing their food source, accidently killing them or damaging their environment.
  3. We set out our requirements in this regard, that a fishery must be able to show that its fish come from a well managed and sustainable source, whether it be wild caught or farmed.
  4. We only recognise suppliers that carry one or more of the following accreditations:
    • MSC certification
    • ASC certification
    • BRC
    • HACCP
    • ISO 9001:2008
    • FDA
    • BAP
  5. We use a credible 3rd party assessment process to confirm this sustainability. This means that sustainable fisheries can be recognised by producers and rewarded in the marketplace, and gives an assurance to consumers that their seafood comes from a well managed and sustainable source.
  6. Our comprehensive approach to reducing our environmental impact means looking at all aspects of our business, how they intersect and how we can integrate new solutions to create meaningful and sustained change over our entire supply chain spectrum.
  7. Our Principles in regard to this policy are as follows:
    1. Sustainable Target Fish Stocks
      • a fishery must be conducted in a manner that does not lead to overfishing or in severe cases, depletion of the exploited fish population; and for those stocks that are depleted, the fishery must demonstrate methods and practices that lead to their recovery.
      • we support the development of sustainable aquaculture and we are committed to securing the future of this industry by working alongside MSC certified organisations and suppliers.
    2. Environmental Impacts
      • fishing operations should allow for the maintenance of the structure, productivity, diversity and function of the ecosystem on which each fishery depends, and therefore we require strict Aquaculture practices to minimise the negative impact on the farming and land resources of the surrounding area.
      • we are reliant on government management controls to ensure that farms be designed and managed to avoid negative impacts on the local environment and its other users.
    3. Effective Fishery Management
      • the fishery is subject to a management system that respects local, national and international laws and treaties and their standards, incorporating operational and institutional frameworks that requires the use of the resource to be sustainable and responsible.
      • it is a requirement under our Policy that all our Aquaculture trading partners minimise the impact of their farmed product compromising the integrity of the local fish populations, and we support our trading partners to use feed and feeding methods that ensure that the feed inputs are sustainable and minimised.
      • in relation to the communities that support these Aquaculture trading partners, we encourage them to develop and operate farms in a socially responsible manner, that provides a contribution to local community development and poverty alleviation.
      • we require all our trading partners to minimise the eco system and human health impacts, at the same time maximising fish health, welfare and ensuring at the completion of the supply chain, food safety for the consumer.
      • traceability of all our product is conducted through our internal barcode tracing systems using barcode numbers, batch codes and UBD. This is the most accurate means of identifying the origin or product.
      • when you see the “sourced responsibly “ logo on any of our products , this indicates that all components of the farming production system (bloodstock, seedling, feed, harvesting and processing) and all other possible impacts on the environment have been assessed to our strict standards.